Fiche cheval lieutenant rascal

R5C1 du

platwindsor1000M9756fitzdares handicap (class 5)8 partantsdépart à 16:30
Non-partants : 6
12kiss and runF34p2p2p2pkieran o'neill5.4/100:58
21split the profitH30p2p3p2p5psorcha woods6.9/13/4 l
33bint havana goldF32p3p5p1p2pfinley marsh11/11 l 1/4
44fideliusH31p3p2p(23)4pluke morris3.2/1encolure
55horse whispererF32p2p1p3psilvestre de sousa3.1/11 l 3/4
6lieutenant rascalH35p4p6p4p3pgrace mcentee5.9/1
67southbankH30p1p1p3p5psean levey23/11/2 l
78acerF30p(23)2p2p6prossa ryan10/114 l

R5C5 du

platkempton park1400M9291handicap (class 5)11 partantsdépart à 18:30
17heathcliffH34p(23)2p8pdaniel muscutt/101:26
25old chumsH32p1p3p1ppierre-louis jamin/1cte tete
310bits and bobsH30p4p2p5p0phayley turner/11 l 1/4
42yellow pagesH3(23)6p6p9pdaniel tudhope/12 l 1/2
59one cool dreamerH3(23)5p9p5ptom queally/1encolure
61lieutenant rascalH34p3p(23)8p2pbenoit de la sayette/11 l 3/4
711hello cotaiH34p(23)5p7p0pjim crowley/11/2 l
84wonder smileM3(23)3p2p7ptom marquand/11 l 1/4
96magic flukeH35p2p(23)3p2pneil callan/11 l 1/2
108darrochH3(23)0p6p0p3pgeorge downing/11 l 1/4
113never sellH38p(23)4p0p5plaura coughlan/11 l 1/4

R5C5 du

platwolverhampton1000M10917handicap (class 5) 10005 partantsdépart à 19:00
14ziggy's missileM3(23)6p7p3pluke morris4.9/101:01
22doctor vubyM32p(23)4p2p6pbilly garritty2.7/11 l
31lieutenant rascalH3(23)8p2p1p4pdaniel muscutt2.2/11 l 1/4
43bint alfellaF36p6p(23)2p2pshane gray11/12 l
55pinpointH36p(23)6p2p3prowan scott15/13 l 1/2

R4C7 du

platascot1000M113647windsor castle stakes (class 1) (listed race) - world pool26 partantsdépart à 17:10
Non-partants : 6 - 21 - 24
14big evsM22pjason hart/100:59
212johannes brahmsM21pryan moore/12 l 1/2
311inquisitivelyM22pjamie spencer/13/4 l
425up the manorM21pcolin keane/1encolure
52alabamaM24p3pw. m. lordan/1tete
618myconianM20p5p3p1ptom marquand/11 l 1/4
710hala emaraatyM21p1pkieran o'neill/1encolure
88ganeshaM21prowan scott/11 l 3/4
916mayo neighsH21prob hornby/11 l
1023supersonic manM21p4pr. p. whelan/1encolure
113barnwell boyM21poisin murphy/1encolure
1217muqtahemM21p3pwilliam buick/1encolure
1326world of darcyM22p1pdaniel tudhope/1tete
151action pointM22p1phollie doyle/1cte enc.
195bombay bazaarM21p1p3poisin orr/11 l
6fandomM21pirad ortiz jr/1
1413lieutenant rascalM24p2p5pbenoit de la sayette/11 l 3/4
1619scoops ahoyM21p2p2pjason watson/11 l 1/4
177fusterlandiaM22p2prossa ryan/13/4 l
1820sergeant wilkoM21p2ptom eaves/11 l
2022sir boltonM21pdavid egan/11 l
219hackmanM23p1p3pjames doyle/11/2 l
2214magnificent matchM2Inéditandrea atzeni/15 l
2315maximum impactM21p1pkevin stott/17 l 1/2
21seven questionsH22p4pdaniel muscutt/1
24two tribesM24p2phayley turner/1
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